Throughout the years Great Falls High Drama has produced some fantastic plays, musicals and various other events that have entertained friends, family and guests alike.  This year is no different. KMON had the opportunity to visit with two of the stars and the narrator. Here is the interview:

The first performance is Thursday November 3rd at 7:30 pm.  Other performances are November 4th (7:30 pm), November 5th (2:00 pm), November 10th (7:30 pm.), November 11th (7:30 pm.), November 12th (2:00 pm.).  All six performances will be held at Great Falls High School.  Cost is $5 for students and $ for Adults.   You can go to Great Falls High Drama on Instagram and buy your tickets online.

For more information on Great Falls High Drama, contact Mr. Bridger Lutz.  Following is the partial transcript of the interview:

Hello. My name is Wynter Kelly. I'm a senior at Gray Falls High School and I am here to talk about Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Joseph And the amazing Technical Dreamcoat is our fall music musical. I will be playing the narrator and it's just a really good story about beating your odds and reaching your dreams. It was our director's favorite musical in his childhood.

Hi. My name is Colton Spicher. I am a senior at Great Falls High School and I am playing Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technical Dreamcoat. Joseph is kind of the golden child of his family. It's based on the biblical story of Joseph in the Old Testament and he is just kind of reaching his dreams and his brothers aren't too happy about it. He has eleven brothers who are a little jealous of him and they kind of try to take him out, but he kind of beats the odds and just kind of shows that he can really rise above. This is actually my first year in theater, so it's been a really fun experience and I have an amazing director and amazing cast to kind of help me through the theater process. I'm really involved musically. I'm in band, in choir as well. My sister is a choral director at CM Russell High School this year. And so just being involved with music has really drawn me to be a part of this musical.

Hi, I'm Ava Fossen. I'm a junior at Great Falls High School and I play Ruben in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Reuben is the oldest brother of the family. We open November 3 at 7:30 p.m. And then we have more shows November 4 at 7:30, November 5 at 2. We have a matinee November 10 and 11th at 7:30, and then another show November 12 at 2.

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