How To Tell If Your Montana Neighbor Is A Swinger

First thing right off the bat, there is no judgement here, and this article is not meant to ostracize those that are practicing.

I feel as long as everyone is of consenting age and no one is being hurt or forced into something they don't want, then what you do in the privacy of your own home is your own business.


Three sets of feet poking out from under a blanket

How Many Swingers Are In Montana?

It's hard to know just how many swingers are in Montana, but some estimates say in America up to 5% of the population are swingers, which would mean there are 56,150 people in Montana involved in the lifestyle.

While that is basically the entire town of Bozeman, we know they aren't all just congregated into one city.

So how do those who wish to participate in this lifestyle let it be known to others that they are looking? With some very carefully hidden clues that seem pretty innocent to the untrained eye.

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Two couples share some drinks and laughs around a pool

How Swingers Advertise To Others In Montana

Now, I am not speaking from a point of authority on this, and if any swingers would like to set to record straight, please let me know through our app or by emailing me.

These 7 clues come from The Daily Mail, who compiled their list based off internet rumors and word of mouth.

If you're wanting it to be known you're looking to swing, check out the gallery below for ways to do so, even if we can't promise these are foolproof they might bring you some success.

6 Unusual Clues Your Montana Neighbor Could Be A Swinger

According to The Daily Mail these 7 "secret" signs are ways for your neighbor to let it be known they are swingers to other swingers in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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