Where Is The Most Unusual Place To Stay In Montana?

Montana has relied on tourism to help boost our economy for years. People come from all over the world to stay at places like Glacier National Park and Yellowstone National Park.

Yet there is one place that has been deemed the "most unusual" place to stay when visiting the Treasure State.

READ NEXT: Just How Popular Were Montana's National Parks Last Year?

Street Signs but the streets are "unusual" and "ordinary"

This Montana Inn Has Some Unusual Neighbors

The website LoveEXPLORING set out to find the most unusual places to stay in every state.

Some states had unique and unusual buildings that made the list, like a lighthouse in Maine.

Montana, on the other hand, is not so much that the building is unusual; it is the neighbors next to the building that help it make the list.

READ MORE: What? Glacier National Park Is Ranked One Of The Worst In America

a pair of wolves howling towards the sky

Howlers Inn B&B and Wolf Sanctuary

Just outside of the Yellowstone National Park entrance, you will find the most unusual place to stay in Montana.

The Howlers Inn is not only a bed and breakfast but also a wolf sanctuary.

These wolves are born in captivity, so they cannot be released into the wild, which in turn allows guests to interact with them.

If you have ever wanted to pet a wolf, this is the place to do so without worrying about losing a hand.

To see some of the other unusual places across America, check out the full list here, and then keep scrolling to see the best places to stay in Montana in the gallery below.

The Top 10 Hotels To Stay At In Montana According To Booking.com

Looking for that place to hang your hat on your travels. Here are the top 10 locations according to ratings at the Booking.com website.

Gallery Credit: JD Knight

LOOK: Airbnb Offers a Stay at This Awesome Cottage in Bonner, Montana

As the listing says, "Reconnect to nature at this transforming, off-grid, PET-FRIENDLY forest oasis." It's a tiny home in the middle of the woods but just a short trip away from many activities and destinations.

Gallery Credit: Ryan Nelson

KEEP READING: The 10 Best Places To Stay When Visiting Great Falls Montana

Here are the 10 best places to stay in Great Falls Montana according to Trip Advisor.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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