Is Online Dating In Montana Safe

You hear married people say it all the time, "I'm so glad I'm married; I don't think I could date in today's world."

The reason for that is because so much of dating has switched from meeting people in person to meeting people online.

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A man uses his cell phone to chat with potential dates

The Hidden Dangers Of Online Dating In Montana

Online dating isn't anything new, but with new sites and apps, it has become more common in Montana and across America in recent years.

With an increase in traffic on these places, it also means you'll start to see less than honest characters pop up.

Plus, on the internet, it's harder to prove the person you are chatting with is actually who they say they are, or if it's even their picture being used in their profile.

READ MORE: Bow Chicka Wow Wow: How Often Do Montanans Make Love?

A man smiling in front of orange background while wearing a classic disguise of fake nose and eyeglasses

How Montana Ranks For Online Dating Safety

With online dating becoming the norm in how people are meeting these days, one website, Privacy Journal, wanted to know what states were most at risk when it came to online dating.

That could mean being part of money scams and fraud, contracting STDs, matching with sex offenders, or worse, ending up the victim of violence.

When surveyed, people from Montana have said the worst part about online dating for them has been contracting STDs.

See the other stats and where Montana ranks for safety when it comes to online dating in the gallery below.

America's Safest and Most Dangerous States for Online Dating

You can never be too careful when doing anything on the internet, but dating requires a specific kind of skepticism. Internet dating opens users up to a wide variety of scams, crimes, and diseases. Which states are the safest? Let's take a look as we dive into's ranking of America's Safest and Most Dangerous States for Online Dating, starting with the nation's safest state. For full methodology, see the link in America's Most Dangerous State to Date online.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

LOOK: Women Advice to Men, Please Stop Putting These 10 Pictures In Your Dating Profile

A new poll says the majority of women are not interested in these 10 kinds of photos men include in their dating profiles. Obviously, some people will love the photos, but on the whole, these ten are not helping you get dates (though they may help you get a tickle fight or two (rawr!).

Gallery Credit: James Rabe

KEEP READING: Dating to Engagement: How Long Should it Take?

Readers give their dating advice on how long you should date before getting engaged:

Gallery Credit: Toni Gee, TSM

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