Take A Look: Fishin Friday Pictures August 9th 2024
It's that time of the week again, Fishin Fridays!
Each week, here at the radio station, we ask you, the listeners, to send in pictures from a recent fishing trip.
The easiest way to do this is to open your station app, click the button, and attach a picture with your name and the area you were fishing in.
Don't worry; you don't have to divulge your top-secret fishing hole!
Everybody who sends in a picture for Fishin Friday will be entered to win some sort of prize.
This week's prize is a pair of tickets to Parmalee's performance at the Newberry on August 11th.
But without further ado, I will check out this week's Fishin Firdays entries.
Fishin Friday August 9th, 2024
Fishin Fridays Directions
- Next time you head out fishing, make sure to snap a few pictures.
- After your fishing trip, open up your station app.
- Click the Text Us button.
- Look to the bottom left-hand corner for the camera.
- Click on the Camera
- Upload your pictures
- Super easy!
Check Out This Fishing Story: Use Extreme Caution If You Catch This Special Fish In Montana
Tell all your friends, and more importantly, remember to snap some pictures next time you're out fishing!
As long as your fishing trip was relatively recent, feel free to share the pictures with us.
If you don't already have your favorite radio station, make sure you go to the iTunes store and download it today!
Last Week: Check Out Fishin Fridays! Showing Off Your Montana Fishing Pictures
Fishin Fridays August 2nd 2024
Gallery Credit: 560 KMON
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