My Yard Is Being Overrun By Ants

I've lived in my current home for about 4 1/2 years.  Ever year until this summer, I've had an ant issue, bought some ant traps, and it's taken care of for the year.  Not this year.  Check out this picture I took at my house this morning. (This has gone on since Sunday, the first time I saw it.) They are RIGHT at the foundation of my house.  This is not ok.

ant village
Tammie Toren/./Canva

All that black up next to the foundation are the bodies of the ants I killed last night.

Check Out This On-Line Advice To Kill Pesky Bugs

I've Tried Everything I Can think Of To Kill Them

Today I'm trying the vinegar and water thing, but I don't think it's going to do too much. I may double up and do vinegar and water to throw off the scent trail then bathe my yard in an array of pepper.

So far I've done diatomaceous earth food grade, Ortho Home Defense Max, and various kinds of ant traps.  As you can see, they party on the ant traps.

Ant Party
Tammie Toren//Canva
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I Have Some Good Bugs And Worms And I'm Afraid Of Killing The Eco System

I've seen some other more extreme ant killers, but I do want to keep some good bugs around to help out my gardens. As of right now, I'm at a loss as to what to do.


This Is Where You Come In

I'm looking for your advice.  What is your proven way to either get rid of ants, or keep them away from your home?  I want to talk to you all before I just up and call an exterminator.  Who has that kind of money?


Please, email me here and let me know how you keep the ants at bay.  While you're at it, any advice for keeping squirrels out of my gardens?

19 Plants to Attract Beautiful Butterflies to Your Montana Garden

Whether you want to boost biodiversity or amplify the presence of beautiful, fluttering butterflies in your yard, plant one (or all) of the following plants in your Montana garden!

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

What Grows Well in a Montana Garden?

Montana gardeners and beginners alike, have so many options when it comes to growing a decent garden in our difficult climate.

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

Plants That Ward off Fleas and Ticks

These plants help keep fleas, ticks, and other bugs out of your garden.

Gallery Credit: Emily Claire