State Looking To Crack Down On Synthetic Cannabis
It has been reported as of recent that the Montana Legislature are looking into revising cannabis laws that stipulate the sale and regulation of synthetic cannabis products.
According to cannadelics.com, Montana wants to revisit regulations on synthetic Cannabis products such as Spice, as well as K2 amongst others. They are primarily looking at places like gas stations, glass shops, vape shops and ensure that retailers are aware that the sale of these products are no longer allowed.

The Cannabis Control Division in Montana identified these products earlier this year and believes that these synthetic products are in connection to recent hospitalizations of Montana youth since cannabis was legalized two and a half years ago.
According to cannadelics.com, House Bill 948 put forth by Republican Representative Steve Galloway of Great Falls seeks to eliminate these products by 2025.
When people talk about "synthetic cannabis products" what are they talking about?
According to the Center of Disease and Control and Prevention that have research on what is called NPS or New Psychoactive Substances, these are supposed to mimic the properties certain substances. For example in this case, synthetic cannabis products are supposed to mimic the psychoactive properties of Delta-9 THC(garden variety cannabis), but in reality, are only a slight mimic.
From experience, I've noticed people use these substances in place of other more "illict" substances for a number of reasons which include but not limited to the legality and the fact they have to pass drug tests while experiencing mind altering episodes.
In studies, it seems to have other adverse effect to the body.
The CDC explains that these substances can affect the brain:
Synthetic cannabinoids can affect brain function.
Signs and symptoms include:
-Agitation and irritability
-Confusion and concentration problems
-Hallucinations, delusions, psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and violent behavior
-Sleepiness and dizziness
These can also create problems in the body.
Synthetic cannabinoids can cause other health problems:
-Breathing problems
-Gastrointestinal problems
-Heart attack, fast heart rate, high blood pressure, and stroke
-Kidney failure
-Muscle damage
The CDC warns that hauling the use of synthetic cannabinoids can lead to dangerous withdrawl symptoms.
-Nausea and vomiting
-Severe anxiety
-Trouble sleeping
As well as...
-Breathing problems
-Chest pain
-Rapid heart rate
The CDC says at this point there is no research on the effects of long term NPS usage.
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