Korn’s Top 50 Songs on Spotify Based on Streams
Every Korn fan has their own set of favorite songs, but do you ever wonder what Korn songs other people are listening to the most? Keep reading to see Korn's Top 50 songs on Spotify based on streams.
Spotify allows listeners to see what any particular artist's Top 10 songs are, but thankfully, there are sources that allow you to see more detailed streaming statistics than the platform offers itself. One such source is called Kworb, and a Korn fan pulled up the band's Top 50 songs and posted a screenshot of them on Reddit, so we decided to explore the website ourselves.
The first interesting fact we learned is that Korn is ranked the 509th most-streamed artist on Spotify in the world. For an artist with a pretty niche sound, that's impressive. With a total of 252 tracks on the platform, they have over 3.9 billion total streams, and garner over 2.5 million streams every day. These numbers were also just updated yesterday (Nov. 6), so the findings are current.
Unsurprisingly, "Freak on a Leash" is the band's No. 1 most-streamed song, with a total of over 4.1 million streams and over 275,000 every day. The rest of their Top 10 include "Coming Undone," "Falling Away From Me," "Got the Life," "Twisted Transistor," "Blind," "Word Up!," "Here to Stay," "Narcissistic Cannibal" and "Y'all Want a Single."
You can see the rest of the Top 50 in the screenshot below [via Reddit], but you can also see the full ranking of all 252 tracks based on streams by heading over to Kworb for yourself. Keep in mind that some of the songs are remixes, acoustic versions or live performances, so that's why there are so many.
READ MORE: How Did Korn Get Their Band Name?
Kworb also offers stats for album streams. A few compilation and greatest hits albums took up the top few spots on the albums list, but their most-streamed studio album is 1998's Follow the Leader, followed by See You on the Other Side (2005), Issues (1999), Korn (1994) and Take a Look in the Mirror (2003).
Apparently, Korn plan to add more music to their ever-growing catalog sometime in 2024. Brian "Head" Welch said in an interview in September that they'll have new music coming out next year, as well as some celebrations planned for the 30th anniversary of their self-titled debut.
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Gallery Credit: Joe DiVita