Brutal Video Explains Why Tourists Shouldn’t Come to Montana
I've spent most of my life living in states that begin with the letter "M." I grew up in Montana, did my undergrad in Minnesota, and attended grad school in Maine. What do these states have in common besides being "M" states? Bitter cold winters.
I remember getting stuck on Christmas morning in 1996 in Missoula when the snow was so deep we could barely pull out of our driveway. I remember my freshman year in college, walking across campus when there was -54 windchill and my eyelashes froze before I got to my next class. I remember parking bans in downtown Portland, Maine when I had to leave my car nearly a mile away from my apartment so that the plows could clear our narrow streets.
But, in each place, there are enjoyable summers, too--floating the river in Montana, canoeing in Minnesota, and sailing in Maine.
Related: An Open Letter to Those Who Reserved All of the Montana Campsites
That's where this video comes in.
@secret.chicago on Instagram has a message for people in cold states.
"We need to form a coalition."
She goes on explain why "palm tree people" shouldn't visit cold states in the summer and even has a specific shout-out to Montana.
This is as much an ode to all of us who live through winters as it is a "request" for people in warmer climates to stay where they are. Because what she emphasizes is that it is hard work to get through a winter in cold states.
Now, I know that Montana's economy is dependent on tourism dollars and many small businesses benefit from that revenue. And yet.

It's social media, so the video may be in jest, but I think she has a point. It's hard living in a cold climate not only because of treacherous driving, but frozen pipes, seasonal depression, and a dozen other things. In addition, Montana has been experiencing growing pains, with an influx of new residents and increased tourism. Tourists, let us have our summers, too.
LOOK: The most extreme temperatures in the history of every state