I Went To Middle School Orientation (PHOTOS)
We officially have a middle schooler in our household! This is a mixed bag with all of us because the kid's coming from private elementary school to (dun dun dun) public school. Both haunting and exciting we definitely wanted to see what we were in for. Registration, School supply lists, and a schedule were our first hoops.
Tuesday, 10am we arrive in the parking lot of East Middle School. We felt that it was important for the both of us to be there for support and adsorb any and all info we need to know for next week. Introductions, email lists, and all handouts were taken care of straight away in the cafeteria. After, we were let loose to the halls to meet and get signatures from faculty. We lucked out because core classes were on one end of the building, and others like life sciences, band and of course lunch were on the other. We flip flopped between wings to avoid lines and the teachers were inviting and encouraging. One thing I thought was cool was the bespoke planner that they have everyone use for everyone to (pardon the pun) be on the same page.
After our signature scavenger hunt was completed, we were awarded with a locker number and combination. I cracked the code the first time as I still use a combination padlock to this day at the gym. We were proud that our young Padawan got it in the second try. I might toss my combo lock at them as a challenge a few more times before Wednesday just for their confidence.
Long long ago, I was a student at East Middle School. I'll be dipped if I didn't feel the same kind of things I felt when I first entered all those years ago. A flood of memories I lock away, that I forgot about for over twenty years all the sudden came back. The hallways, the smells, the objects protruding from the walls I would touch countless times passing through the halls were all there. This made it simple for me to direct my family around in a somewhat proficient way on "getting to know things", and we also saw some bunnies.
One thing very new was the school bus, It picks the kid up early in the morning so that might be a learning curve to start. We all adapt, so it should be okay.
We all feel pretty confident and welcome the year in a new school.
10 out of 10.