When It’s Time To Turn The Tables and Help Your Parent…
Upon my 36th birthday, I didn't see me having to lift up one of my parents.
Recently I had one of my parents confide in me about mortality.
This isn't something I expected from them, as they are about two years from retirement in their early sixties and they are having thoughts on when they pass on and when their loved ones pass on as well.
It came about after they told me about one of their dear friends had arranged home hospice for themselves. As one may or may not know, when hospice is arranged, they are usually plans for end of life. My parent had a certain air on uncertainty in their voice. I wouldn't say fear, but definite concern. They had no idea how to go about asking how their loved one felt about the situation, or how their family is feeling. They also had thoughts about how life and how short it really was and how they themselves would like to pass.
My parent comes from time where some people had what I call crippling stoicism, where you keep your chin up and be strong for everyone no matter what the situation maybe be. I can't say that I've ever seen them cry more than once in my lifetime.
I decided to tell them to simply show love, call and simply let them know how you felt and offer themselves like they had in the past, with the upmost compassion. To let them know they had this family's back with anything they can help them with.
It's hard for them to show emotions in a time where they feel like they need to, I would like to be there for my parent as they were there for me when I was a child, and make sure they know.